Some Outdoor Adventures in Bandung
Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb. Here are some outdoor adventures in Bandung, which you must try. 1. Gunung Batu Gunung Batu in Lembang has stunning scenery. There you can see the beauty of Bandung downtown from high land. This is a great place to camp while waiting for the sunrise. At night, you can enjoy the beauty of the city's light from a distance. By the way, in the morning the area is filled with a thick fog. So, always be careful. 2. Sendang Geulis Kahuripan Sendang Geulis Kahuripan is a water source locates in the middle of a beautiful countryside in West Bandung regency. Here, you can forget the hustle and bustle of the city that makes fatigue. You can also swim while enjoying the fresh springs. For photography enthusiasts, try shooting from within this crystal clear water and you will get a unique shot. 3. Curug Cimahi / Cimahi Waterfalls Curuf Cimahi is a 75 meters high waterfalls. It will instantly make you admire the place and feel at home. Curu...